Thursday, July 29, 2010


Laundry on Third Street (12x16 Oil on canvas panel) [Ref Photo]
Love to paint old grungy buildings, and if they have some bright colors in the sun all the better. The bright clothesline made this scene interesting. I think the hot pink flowered shorts are the focal point. I could not recreate the color of these shorts. I started with cad red and anything mixed with if tends to gray down the results.
Here are the LINKS to THE VIRTUAL PAINTOUT and to its creator BILL GUFFEY


  1. lovely, so much character and depth - the location certainly met your requirements for grungy buildings and bright colours.

  2. This is great. I missed it somehow last month.
    Your 'formula'...old grungy building, bright colors and perfect. I try to find bright sun in the Street Views.

    I really love your work!

  3. Great job. Everything in this scene is beautiful even if the theme is old and grunchy. Btw, some permanent rose added to the CRed could give some of the pink you wanted for "the shorts of the focal point". I, too, headed above the street shops when I chose my Hong Kong piece. Found some bright gowns on display midst the grunge and many stories upward.
